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Public Information Day

On Thursday 13th May 2021 we held an online Public Information Day for the proposed Derril Water Solar Farm, to give local residents the opportunity to learn more about the project and ask questions.

The information provided is still available to view below.

RES have submitted an application for a 42MW solar farm located approximately 1.2km southwest of Pyworthy. A number of detailed assessments have been carried out to ensure any impact upon the environment, landscape, heritage and local residents is appropriately assessed and mitigated. These assessments formed part of the planning application and you can view the full planning application here.



The sections below provide a range of project information. Hard copies of the project information displayed below are available on request.



Tackling Climate Change by supporting the UK’s target of net zero by 2050

Diversification of Farmland

Renewable Energy at Lowest Cost to the Consumer1

Quick to Deploy

Continued Agricultural Use

Biodiversity and Habitat Enhancement

Good Irradiation

Straightforward Access

Close Proximity to a Viable Grid Connection

Quick to Deploy

Outside of any Statutory Environmental, Archaeological and Landscape Designations

Click here to view the site location plan
















We have sensitively designed the solar farm to minimise the visual impact

Click here to view a range of visualisations showing what the solar farm would look like immediately following construction and what the solar farm would look like, in year 5, with the screening measures we propose as part of the planning application


Over 55% of the agricultural quality of the land has been graded subgrade 3b or below

The project has been designed in such a way that less than 4% of the land is physically occupied by the arrays and infrastructure, allowing agriculture in the form of sheep grazing to continue on over 96% of the site during operation

Click here for more information



Short Construction Period - Typically 6 Months 

Pre and post-construction road condition survey will be conducted with RES liable to repair any damage to the road attributed to the construction

Dedicated community liaison officer to engage with local residents

Hours of Operation and traffic movements limited to 07:00 - 19:00 on Monday to Friday and 08:00 – 16:00 on Saturdays, and scheduled to avoid morning and evening peak hours

Comprehensive pollution prevention measures to protect soils and watercourses and Ecological Clerk of Works appointed full-time during construction phase, to prevent habitat disturbance or destruction

Operating plant noise kept within the legal standards and Hours of Operation. Any noncomplying plant stopped and stood down until it can be rectified or removed

We propose a number of biodiversity enhancement measures, including the planting of native trees and hedgerows to provide a plentiful source of food and shelter for a range of fauna

Please click here for more information



Renewable energy at lowest cost to the consumer1 

Approximately 41,000MWh of clean, green electricity produced each year

Equivalent to the electricity usage of approximately 12,1002 homes each year

Approximately 744,338t3 tonnes of carbon emissions saved during its operational lifetime3

Valuable contribution to the UK’s renewable energy targets and helping tackle climate change

RES is committed to ensuring that, wherever reasonably practicable, local contractors and employees are used in all aspects of developing our renewable energy projects

The main opportunities arise during the construction phase when suitably qualified local firms are invited to bid for different aspects of construction, such as haulage, on-site welfare facilities, refuse and recycling facilities, transport and local accommodation for construction workers

Please click here for more information




We also held telephone and video calls throughout the day on Thursday 13th May, for people to ask questions about the proposal.  If you have a question about the project please contact us.


1 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/911817/electricity-generation-cost-report-2020.pdf

2 The 12,100 homes figure has been calculated by taking the predicted annual electricity generation of the site (based on RES assessments Derril Water has a predicted capacity factor of 11.8%) and dividing this by the annual average electricity figures from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) showing that the annual UK average domestic household consumption is 3,578 kWh (Dec 2020). 

3 Carbon reduction is calculated by multiplying the anticipated total amount of electricity generated by Derril Water per year by the number of tonnes of carbon which fossil fuels would have produced to generate the same amount of electricity using the BEIS “all fossil fuels” emissions statistic of 446 tonnes of carbon dioxide per gigawatt hour (GWh) of electricity supplied in Table 5E of the Digest of UK Energy Statistics (July 2020),